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Trace Evidence

Applications Trace Evidence Trace Evidence

GRIM3 – Glass RI Measurement

The ffTA GRIM system can be used to identify and group fragments of glass through the determination of a samples refractive index using the standard oil immersion/temperature variation technique. The system can monitor up to four glass fragment edges per operation, speeding the casework examination process, giving improved statistical accuracy and reducing calibration time. Casework measurements are filed, password protected, with the essential information that identifies each fragment of glass examined, including for example its source, casework reference, and operator identity. Basic statistics are generated including average, range, spread and standard deviation. Results may be displayed as scatter diagrams and formatted for exportation to Microsoft Office for additional analysis.

rIQ 2.0

rIQ 2.0 is designed to measure the refractive index of glass fragments. rIQ 2.0 stands for Refractive Index Quantification and is built based upon the thermo-optical methodology defined by ASTM E1967. As such, it is an automated system which measures the refractive index of microscopic glass fragments by monitoring the change in refractive index of calibrated oils as they are heated and cooled. rIQ 2.0 software is designed to be intuitive yet also incorporates powerful algorithms to determine the refractive index of glass with the highest precision. The rIQ system also features environmental monitoring, including ambient temperature and control, as well as advanced database and statistical analysis capabilities. Designed to be intuitive and easy-to-use, it is also flexible and offers many additional capabilities such as the ability to customise reports.

inVia InSpect Confocal Raman Microscope

Add Raman spectroscopy to your laboratory and gain further powerful capabilities which complement your existing techniques. Analysis is non-contacting and non-destructive and allows you to see fine chemical detail using a research-grade optical microscope. Identify materials that may be difficult or time consuming with other techniques such as hard crystalline powders, ceramic shards and glass chips, easily analysed with little or no preparation required.

Enspectr Raman Microscopes

Enhanced Spectrometry solutions are designed to meet the needs of law enforcement agencies and contribute to control of narcotics distribution. EnSpectr software supports the unique function of the Search match mode: continuously measuring substance, a specific drug. Options for forensic trace analysis includes Raman Microscope M532, M785, M1064 and MixSplitter.

Foram 3

The 785 nm Raman Spectrometer for Forensic Applications is fast, non-destructive and highly effective and is an ideal technique for identifying and comparing substances of forensic value. Unlike other Raman systems, the Foram 3 has been developed specifically for forensic examinations and includes dedicated casework management software providing automatic spectral comparisons and data archiving with search and match facilities.