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Probe-Based Raman

Applications Spectroscopy Probe-Based Raman

EZRaman-N Series Raman Spectrometer

The EZRaman-N Raman spectrometer from Enwave features a narrow line-width frequency-stabilised laser. It uses a high-throughput fiber optics probe, and an optically fast (f/1.6) spectrograph with TE cooled CCD detector. The EZRaman-N system is easy to use, with powerful and user-friendly RamanReader software and provides excellent long term reliability with minimal maintenance.

ProRaman-L High Performance Raman Spectrometer

The ProRaman-L from Enwave features a high sensitivity CCD spectrograph with CCD cooling temperature to -60º C. It features high-throughput laboratory fibre optics probes. Each ProRaman-L system includes a notebook computer pre-loaded with RamanReader software for operation. The excitation laser is available at 532 nm and 785 nm. ProRaman-L instruments are ideal for demanding Raman analysis in academic, research, industrial laboratories and process line requiring an affordable, high performance Raman instrument.

532/785/1064 nm Preconfigured Raman Spectrometer System

The choice of 532, 785 or 1064 nm StellarNet Raman Spectrometer System contains everything you need for Raman Spectroscopy and can perform quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples. The System comes with a Ramulaser Raman laser with adjustable power, the Raman-HR-TEC thermo electrically cooled Raman spectrometer for high resolution and high sensitivity, and a Raman probe.

Virsa Raman Analyser

The Virsa fibre-optic-coupled Raman analyser from Renishaw allows you to take your spectroscopic analysis away from the confines of the laboratory, and into your sample’s environment. Using LiveTrack focus-tracking technology and Monitor software, the Virsa system can easily perform real-time analysis on samples which are moving (such as those on a production line), have irregular surface profiles, and which are undergoing phase changes.