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Solid State Lasers

Applications Lasers Solid State Lasers

Cobolt 04-01

The Cobolt 04-01 Series lasers from Hübner Photonics are continuous-wave diode-pumped lasers (DPL) operating at a fixed wavelength between 457 nm and 1064 nm. Single frequency operation provides an ultra narrow spectral linewidth, long coherence length and excellent spectral purity. The lasers are designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of reliability.

Cobolt 05-01

The Cobolt 05-01 Series lasers from Hübner Photonics are continuous-wave diode pumped lasers (DPL) operating at a fixed wavelength between 320 nm and 1064 nm. Single frequency operation provides an ultra-narrow spectral linewidth, long coherence length and excellent spectral purity. In the Cobolt 05-iE all-in-one lasers, all control electronics are contained in the laser head, eliminating the need for an external controller, and brings the trusted laser performance of Cobolt 05-01 Series into a compact, self-contained device. The lasers are designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of reliability.

Cobolt 08-01

The Cobolt 08-01 Series from Hübner Photonics is a family of compact narrow linewidth continuous-wave lasers, including high performance single frequency diode pumped lasers (DPL) as well as frequency stabilised diode lasers (NLD). This Series offers the broadest wavelength range and highest performance lasers on the market for Raman spectroscopy.

Cobolt Rogue

The Cobolt Rogue series lasers from Hübner Photonics are continuous-wave diode pumped lasers (DPL). In the Cobolt Rogue-iE all-in-one lasers, all control electronics are contained in the laser head, eliminating the need for an external controller, and bringing the trusted laser performance of Cobolt lasers into a compact, self-contained device. The lasers are designed and manufactured to ensure a high level of reliability.